Category: Quick thoughts

What it feels like to be wrong

Most people will tell you that being wrong feels humiliating or embarrassing. That is what it feels like to discover you are wrong. Before making that discovery, being wrong feels exactly like being right.

The worst thing we can do is to be to sure that we are right. Maybe we are but maybe we are only mostly right – or even wholly wrong. Very many religious teachers in Jesus time were sure they were right about him being wrong. These days, very many people would disagree.

The danger of being too certain of your rightness is that you become blind to your inaccuracies and errors. The sort of pride where you are not open to change can lead to no good.

The lesson of salt

Salt preserves by virtue of being salt. It does not need to make rules or force the food it is to change. It simply exists and in doing so preserves the food.

If we are the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13-16) then our job is not to make rules but to let our good works speak for themselves. In so doing, we preserve the world. No laws, rules, or regulations can do that for us. Only our lives.

Forcing our morality via the rule of law can only lead to legalism while a life well lived can do things no law ever can. A life well lived can change many lives.

Be the salt.

Quick thoughts: About

I have had a new idea for a type of blog post the quick thought.

I have to be honest, it takes me months to come up with a full sized post. Instead of waiting for such time as I have a full-sized article to post, I intend to write shorter posts too.

These short posts, which I am calling “quick thoughts” will be a single thought. Something I can express in a paragraph or two.